

Barbara Frankson is a certified speaker, coach, and trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Team. Barbara is also an author, and the Founder/CEO of Second Chances Transformation, a company that specializes in inspiring, and encouraging others to find their value, voice, and purpose. Barbara ‘s success in transforming the lives of those she speaks to she attributes to her education (in and out of the classroom), her stories of the pain, the process, and her passion for her purpose. Barbara also uses her of 32-year career in leadership and being multicultural to assist leaders in navigating and facilitating uncomfortable conversations.


Barbara Frankson migrated to the United States from Jamaica when she was 9 years old. Barbara retired from a 32-year Government career during the pandemic July 2021 in which she held a leadership position. Barbara is a transformational Speaker/Coach, Trainer, and Author of the book Transformation from Religion to Relationship.  When Barbara speaks into a room, she inspires everyone in that room and motivates them to move into action. She uses her life journey from dirt floors, homelessness to living in a gated community and owning multiple homes. A master in inspiring audiences to wanting more out of life, being more and truly understanding their value. She teaches how obstacles can be turned into opportunities. She also teaches her audience how to not allow their circumstances to define them, but they define their circumstances. One of her many mottos in life is Everything that happens to us is purposeful. She uses stories from what she calls the 3 parts of her life Survival, Success, and Significance accompanied with her 3 p’s Pain, Passion, Purpose to inspire her audience on changing for the better, and fully walking in their dash aka purpose.

Some of her pain areas

  • not knowing her father.
  • childhood innocence taken before the age of 9.
  • raised by her grandmother from 3 to 9 years old.
  • reunited with mother at 9 that left when she was 3
  • speech therapy for 3 years  to erase my accent ethnicity of being Jamaican.
  • bullied/ostracized from 4th grade through 11th.
  • living in the suburb’s maid quarters during the weekdays and the hood on the weekends.
  • mother colon cancer died when Barbara was 19.
  • homeless at 20
  • single parent
  • divorced twice
  •  faced discrimination numerous times in 32-year career/while walking black

The process of walking through the storms of life has taught her not only how to navigate but to look back and help others, especially youth and women. She uses her pain areas to authentically connect with each member in her audience. Her mission is to assist others in going through the process of transforming their lives from the inside out. In doing so they have a dominoes effect on the people that they come into contact with and the world as a whole.  She assist them in the process of knowing their value, worth, purpose, by embracing the uncomfortable because she believes it’s in our uncomfortable places that we grow the most.

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